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Field Day

Field Day is a contest held every year by the ARRL on the fourth full weekend in June. During this contest, thousands of amateur radio operators, clubs and teams, throughout the U.S. and Canada, try to make contact with as many stations as possible over 24 hours. Many participating amateur’s stations set up temporary communications stations to hone their emergency preparedness skills. The event is also a good time to practice community outreach and technical skills. It’s basically Amateur Radio’s heyday and it's lots of fun.

For more information, check-out this ARRL website;

Many Amateur Radio clubs set up emergency stations that have two or more HF and or VHF / UHF stations that operate on CW, Single Side Band, PSK, FT8 and more. Amateurs with Technical Class Licenses can operate on the HF bands during the contest under the operating privileges of the operator’s / club’s license and with the guidance of General or Extra licensed operators who are participating in the contest. 

Field Day is a great way to hone your operating skills and see what other hams are interested in. Check out our club’s website or the websites of other clubs for more information as Field Day nears. Then get involved with the event, learn some new things and have fun!